Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Pope John Paully Shore
MaDonnald Trump
And the first ever recursive Name Jam aka fibonamejam or the ultimate name jam or the Mc Escher of Name Jams :

Son of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Sameul JackSon of Samuel JackSon of Samuel JackSon



tonytonytonytony said...

nice werk on the pallindromojam.

Dane Macbeth said...

You misspelled several of the Samuel's thus DIS-MOTHERFUCKING-QUALIFIED

Les Poissons Rouges said...

I cannot believe it has been done. i will quietly walk away now. although I believe in the disqualification too...